Postdoctoral fellow at AbbVie biopharma, innovating at the interface of molecular systems biology, genomics, and machine learning.
by R. Tyler McLaughlin
This is a starter guide for visualizing your own graph/network data in D3 and loading it in GitHub Pages.
The Javascript library D3 is known for making extremely nice looking, interactive data visualization apps that run in your web browser. Some impressive examples include Mike Barry and Brian Card’s visualizations of the Boston subway system data and an interactive neural network courtesy of Tensorflow.
Even though D3 has a serious learning curve, it is possible to make use of its nice interactive visualizations without really knowing anything about JavaScript. As it turns out, it is really not that hard to get your own data in an interactive D3 graph! This post will walk you through how to visualize a graph aka network in D3 with your own data.
For this post and for my website, I wanted to learn to visualize my own network data using D3. I followed a lot of steps by other bloggers like Andrew Mehrmann and Eric Bickel to get this to work. Here’s what the end result looks like:
You are viewing a network of jazz scales. The nodes represent different musical scales. The edges connect any two scales that share 6 common tones. The nodes are colored by scale type: blue nodes are Major scales. This is a generalization of the Circle of Fifths You can click and drag the nodes around and if you hover over the nodes, the name of the scale appears.
First, take a look at the code from this visualization in the D3 gallery.
Notice that there is also a .json
file that contains characters from Les Miserables. JSON is the standard format for input and output to D3.js. So you will definitely need to have your graph data into the JSON format.
If you already have your data in the JSON format, you can skip ahead. My graph data happened to be in a custom .csv
format, so I ended up writing a python script to convert the .csv
to a .json
Know that there are helpful JSON packages in Python and R that might work with standard formats. Currently igraph in R does not have an export JSON function. but Cytoscape and NetworkX, a popular network library in Python, do support JSON output. You may have to do something similar to what I did and write your own whatever-to-JSON conversion script, in which case, I’ll walk you through the format.
This is what a minimal non-hierarchical graph in JSON format looks like:
"nodes": [
{"id": "Myriel", "group": 1},
{"id": "Napoleon", "group": 1},
{"id": "Mlle.Baptistine", "group": 2},
{"id": "Mme.Magloire", "group": 3}
"links": [
{"source": "Napoleon", "target": "Myriel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mlle.Baptistine", "target": "Myriel", "value": 8},
{"source": "Mme.Magloire", "target": "Myriel", "value": 10},
{"source": "Mme.Magloire", "target": "Mlle.Baptistine", "value": 6}
This JSON file contains all the information about the graph’s links and nodes. You can Specify what the color the nodes should be via the "group"
argument. In the "links"
element, which refers to the edges in the graph, it specifies how the nodes are connected (as directed source/target edges) Lastly, the "value"
argument will determine the thickness of the edge. Very simple!
Once your data is in the format like this, you will also need to create a folder called /scripts/
in the root directory of your repository and move your .json
file there.
Now go to Andrew Mehrmann’s blog post and copy the JavaScript (which was derived from Mike Bostock’s original force-directed graph visualization and modified for size autoscaling) and paste it directly into your markdown file. Make sure you also copy the style tag
. Thanks, Andrew and Mike!
It doesn’t really matter where you put the javascript or the style tag.
The location of the graph will be wherever you put the following div tag
into your markdown file:
<div id='d3div'></div>
In the argument of the d3.json()
function, replace miserables.json
with the name of your .json
file but prepend the file name with 4 ‘../’ (which the parent directory symbol in Unix) so that the line looks like:
d3.json("../../../../scripts/YOUR_FILE_NAME.json", function(error, graph) {
I don’t know why you need so many of the parent-directory symbols but I couldn’t get it to work with any fewer.
That’s it! If you followed along, you should now have a working interactive D3.js plot on your website so you can visualize your own graph or network data. Thanks for reading. Send me an email at if you have any questions!
I’d like to thank the following bloggers for their helpful posts. Without them I’d have struggled quite a bit longer: Andrew Mehrmann, Eric Bickel, and Tyler Clavelle